Dear SERA Circle Family,
2020 was a very difficult year for Hong Kong. We were faced with the COVID-19 Pandemic, social unrest, downturn of the global economy and US sanctions such as in withdrawing recognition of our special economic status. Looking back over the past 23 years since our return to the People’s Republic of China in 1997, we have overcome many challenges and crises to maintain Hong Kong as a world class business hub. We even surpassed the Japanese as the number one rank in terms of longevity. We should continue to rely on our strengths, innovation and perseverance to make Hong Kong a blessed place (福地) to live and prosper in the years ahead.
In a recent publication (《來生一定再做香港人》) by Sheila Yuen Suk Ming, she provided detailed document/statistics and evidence on the outstanding achievements of Hong Kong in 36 areas, ranging from traveling, dining, energy and technology, transportation, living culture/quality of life, education, health, Covid-19 Pandemic, employment, business hub, prosperity and wealth, housing, and civilization/culture. She wanted to show that Hong Kong was not “finished” as some pessimists claimed but possessed many outstanding achievements and features to remain the most attractive place to live on earth – she would definitely choose to live here again in her “second life”. She hoped that the disputes between the two camps (Pro-establishment and Pro-democrat) would be resolved and that they could compromise and work together to make Hong Kong great again.
I believe that when there is a will, there is a way and nothing is impossible.
Through establishing a community network and bondage, Social Enterprise Research Academy (SERA) can pull our resources together and provide the leadership to accept and overcome uncertainties and inherent limitations/sacrifices ahead. Hong Kong was by far the safest place to live and work, do business and raise a family, and was rated third in the world in terms of offering a quality of life.
At SERA, we can face and overcome any challenges together.
Professor Frank Fu MH JP
Executive Chancellor
Social Enterprise Research Academy