Mr. Gustavo Berlanga
Honorary Chairman
“We, the SERA are here in the midst of business evolution, serving as a liaison for making things happen, building trust with potential partners who decide to shoulder social responsibility with us, and maneuvering visions of a better world with our most sincere effort.”

Dr. Charles Mossop
Honorary President
(International Board)
“It is my greatest honor to serve as the Honorary President of Social Enterprise Research Academy. I am grateful to be part of this exceptional movement of developing a culture of social care and promoting the importance of social enterprises and corporate social responsibility in Hong Kong and Asia.”

Dr. Wong Kwok Keung
Honorary President
(Asia Board)
“Whatever you take from the society, use them for the society.” This is the common philosophy of myself and SERA. Giving back to society is the mission of business operators. I hope that fellows can work together with us to promote social caring and fulfill corporate social responsibility. This is beneficial to your business and the harmonious development of the society."